March 12, 2013 – The First Step

Ephesians 1:17-19
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power.

The First Step
Several years ago I participated in a 5k, a peculiar decision given my dislike for running. This aversion dates back to the 7th grade when boys in PE class were required to run a mile in under twelve minutes. So what if Roger Bannister did it in less than four? The requirement seemed absurd and I was certain I would not succeed. As a kid with asthma, the idea of running twelve laps around the perimeter of a circle burned into the dormant, dusty grass of the playground would not only be boring, but difficult. Correct on both counts, I vowed to avoid distance running in the future.

Nonetheless, forty years later, I chose Pat’s Run as a way to get beyond my deliberate avoidance. Having just completed a physical training program and feeling somewhat fit, I was looking for my next challenge. The annual fun run honoring Pat Tillman was fast approaching, so I signed up. “I can do this,” I reasoned.

Today’s scripture provides assurances for dealing with life’s challenges. The apostle Paul makes it clear that all power comes from God and choosing to place our trust in Him assures us of certain victory. Belief in God’s great power enables us to move beyond our self-imposed limits. Christ’s purpose becomes our mission when we place our complete trust in Him.

Crossing the finish line of that first 5k I made note of the fact I had walked a greater distance than I had run. “No problem,” I gasped. “This is only the first step.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, open the eyes of my heart so that I may willingly place my complete trust in you. Fill me with boundless energy to venture beyond the limits of my determined comfort. Urge me to pursue that which I have previously chosen to avoid so I may bear fruit in every good work. Encourage me to use my God-given abilities to your glory so that I may grow in my knowledge and wisdom of you. Amen.
Dave Henderson

About paradisevalleyumc

Paradise Valley United Methodist Church is a congregation of approximately 1,500 members, located in Paradise Valley,AZ at 4455 E Lincoln Drive. Led by laity and clergy, we work together to take Jesus Christ's message of love and hope into our community.
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2 Responses to March 12, 2013 – The First Step

  1. wxyz63 says:

    Dave, this line in your Lenten meditation really resonated with me: “Belief in God’s great power enables us to move beyond our self-imposed limits.” I’m currently reading the book Lean In about how women need to believe in themselves in order to occupy positions of power. Admittedly there are all kinds of power, but unless women are willing exert the influence they can have around the world, nothing much will change to reflect their values. As a woman who has worked in corporate America, I look back and see times when I took a step back rather than forward when I bought into those self-imposed limits. Had I tapped God’s great power, I might have discovered more courage. Thanks so much for writing. Cheryl Del Monte

  2. Adele says:

    Dave, I am so glad you have listened to spirit in this devotion and in your life, eg, Stephen Ministry and Leadership, and now the Healing Prayer Team. You are running on God fuel and will, and are blessing to many. Praise God for your trust in God to carry you through your self-imposed and environmentally “determined comfort” zone and onto even greater witness and service. We are grateful!

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